weird conflicts, morbid high schoolers; young counterculture; life weighted as nothing; I don't see how a person can really be mature without outgrowing family influences. The sick make believe play of family idea (Judy, Jim, ) is frightening... a very good story with thoughtful symbolism but the pacing sucks; utterly passionate & crazy: love somebody within one day; the ending is like wtf
(2011-05-06想看)也许没结过婚的人真的不知道婚姻是怎么一回事吧不像最初那样喜欢Knightley了还算灵Worthington实在呆得太过份Guillaume很可爱Eva真大妈// 现在我能想到最好的决定冲动的惩罚动漫HD在线播放就是决不和最爱的的人在一起有了commitment的感情多少都会有变化once a cheater always a cheater