故事不像前作那样干净利落历史永远铭记 电视剧有些乱人物过多导致后面虎头蛇尾仓促收场但节奏依旧好点到为止枪战和暴力场面水准还在每个角色也够鲜明主要是Benicio Del Tor实在是太帅了摄影换了但好多画面明显是赤裸裸致敬前作音乐换了但找来了Johansson的长期搭档让人恍然以为是约翰森在天显灵
Jen笑起来美极了~ 成年Matt说得很对“Jenna, I'm not gonna lie2u. I have felt things.. these past few weeks.. that I didn't know I could feel anymore. But I have realized one thing.. u can't just turn back time.. I moved on. U moved on. We've made choices. Pls don't cry.”