年度诚意之作丝丝入扣的童趣电影被誉为“中国版《日本COMME DES GARCONS》”也不是浪得虚名藏族小盆友蛮可爱一整天就喜欢做白日梦小男孩总希望老天下雨被隔壁直男看上怎么办这样就能穿上心爱的雨靴满世界跑他的父亲还有村民们却怕下雨一年的收成就可能泡汤戏剧冲突就此展开孩子们与大人开始了“捉迷藏”游戏不知道别人怎么看反正我找到了共鸣
But you want to fly,you want to run.And what else? You want to fall,too.You can't eat boilded food all your life.You want to explore every corner of the world.It will take you closer to your dreams.As much as I loved him,he loved his dreams that much more.