看了好几年终于看完 情节发展跟我预想偏差太大 实在不好评论 接近到孤立 多个窥探者 共犯与敌对 妄想的加速化 前期推进可以说是教科书级别的警示录 但是出场人物有限 内部要架设关系就避不开撒狗血了;从头至尾我都没甩开the other side of love跟《斗罗大陆美女大欧派图片大全》串词的问题 _(:з」∠)_
可怜的阿珍但至少她挺过来自己的努力斗罗大陆美女大欧派图片大全还有朋友的帮助只是最后爱滋这件事太杯具了…… Some folks got a light around them that shine for other peoples. I think maybe some of them was in tunnels, and in that tunnel, maybe the only light they had was inside of them.