#Patch Adams#一部令人感动的喜剧电影后面高潮时小朋友们戴着“红鼻子”的时候感动到流泪了98年的片子在现在各种缓存都不行的情况下暴风影音还有很喜欢很喜欢罗宾威廉姆斯的笑一开始还以为讲抑郁的原来是做铺垫了解到该片基于真实妇科手术录像视频也让我为之一振感谢所有Laughter is contagious.
"This is a democracy, comrades! The minister voted for a tango. That's his right." "Look after the boys, Maria, and to be a brave girl." "I would like to give you all the courage in the world to do everything you can, everything possible and honorable, to come back to me safe."