really hope Carrie and Aiden work out, but they didn't. really like the episode, of which ending Samantha and Richard dance, the song and the scene is so beautiful. oh, and the episode that Carrie and Mr.Big have a ride at Central Park, so classy.
Miranda有孩子了什么时候我可以有这么大的勇气自己独自一个人还会决定把孩子生下来去扶养ta长大啊好佩服Miranda看到Charlotte和丈夫分开特别难受她那么向往婚姻却要经历这些Carrie为什么要拒绝AidenI really don't know whyAiden真的是完美男友啊好羡慕Carrie能在Aiden的怀抱中醒来that's what I desperately want now.