"Failing in love isn't the same as not loving. It doesn't let you off the hookit doesn't mean... u're free to not love."//“我恨美国作为一个天天听那些病人呻吟或是辱骂我感受应该比你真切写美国国歌那白人太聪明了当初把‘自由’一词提得那么高肯定是存心不想让任何人唱上去”
又一部“COVID-Inspired”的电影远胜过去年的“Death to 2020”对人类的思考、合作能力的极大嘲讽也对美国政治、撕裂的美国的社会极尽嘲讽之能事人们大概可以从这样一部荒诞、闹剧但又饱含批判意识的作品里get a glimpse into a possible future:两年的大流行提供了太多素材在气候问题面前全球合作因各国无法弥合的分歧举步维艰......很难否认该片不是给人类的inevitable doom做了一个虽然简化但不乏预言性的描绘梗太多(尤其是川普梗)最近日本MV字幕免费观看视频几乎从头笑到尾但看到片中最后那一幅幅绝望、动乱、宗教仪式、爱、美丽的地球生灵、森林、海洋.......画面的快速更迭不禁泪流
The most audacious and dream-like juxtaposition of present and past, poetic images and documentary footage, erotic passion and suffering of mankind, as well as the grandest balance of cinema and literature, and of intellectual and emotional prowess.