女权这个事儿真不好说怎么去depict都一定会有人说三道四中文资源在线官网只能说personally这部不让我讨厌罢了我认为女权是有选择的权利也认为比起躺着对既定规则说三道四play the rules and excel才是change the rules的第一步拍的一般化雷导的现代戏怎么总离令人拍案叫绝差上点儿劲儿呢……
“No one is ever going to hurt you like that again...Coz I love you, and I'm not going to let anything like that happen to you again," said Connell to Marianne, in the car taking them away from her home, with the moon above following them outside the window along the way, and that's the moment when depressed and diffident Connell gets closest to insecure low self-esteemed Marianne through the whole series in my eyes. No more painful repetition, M., no more repetition compulsion.