Erin推荐Kate Winslet这样才叫角色下沉吧英国盛产这样的演员而不是明星日本低欲望非常酷根本不需要整容美颜连护肤分享都是多喝水睡8小时觉这种这种工作中优秀的女性非常令人敬佩这才是真正的平权把自己力所能及的事情干好(如果有这份能力和机遇)Winslet稍年轻时候的戏我倒不怎么喜欢但是她在这部戏里很好会成为她的影迷且一直期待她下一部作品的那种如同美酒历久弥香The older the mellower.
play by Arthur Miller // The trouble with you is, you don't believe in anything. And ur trouble is you believe in anything. // I like to keep abreast of my ignorance // You have such a talent for ignoring things. I ignore what I gotta ignore // U don't realize how much ppl can hate. They can hate so much they'll tear the world to pieces. // U can never owe sb. without resenting them. // Every man does have a star. A star of one's honesty. U spend ur life groping for it, but once it's out it never lights again. // War and peace, it's nickels and dimes, what's clean? // Forget now. Live. 结尾哭惨