我们如此渺小渺小到什么都改变不了改变不了战争改变不了霸凌改变不了不可理喻的规则以为自己挺身而出捍卫了正义天堂中文最新版在线官网在线也不过只是无知地闹了一个笑话可生活不会因此止步不前无力也好下雨也罢只要内心有一份坚持乐观对待生活对他人饱含善意总可以make a differnceflag or water?
Lars von Trier's film always seems dark and violence, being repressived...he is the one who can show you a messed up story and let you relearn everything in life.Of course, you will be happy about the ending, it's not happy though, but it's good enough. For a closure.