Navy Ode: They have no grave but the cruel sea, No flowers lay at their head, A rusting hulk is their tombstone, Afast on the ocean bed. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.
Sam Mendes和演员的配置让人不得不看去年真是充满各种电影“lovers”的抒情这部出手的是旧式影院从“Look what your precious little girl just did”要憋死了到“afreshafreshafresh”林荫道上缓一口气且独立于自己的生活又淡淡牵扯的忘年恋感觉正好人肉叉烧包就是华丽丽光之大厦里那一层废弃的鸽子窝Find where light in darkness liesOlivia Colman就是所有光汇聚的那个亮点