Always to look life in the face, And to know it for what it is. At last, to know it, to love it for what it is, And then, to put it away....Always the years between us, Always the love, Always the hours....直面人生了解它的真谛爱它的本质然后放弃它要记住那些时光和爱
4原来是改编自小说本来还以为又是一部逻辑严密思维性很强的关于时空的推理原来不是它只是一个爱情故事也没看过原著好感完全给剧本日本吓得不轻 中国在日本海有帮手是只是旅行者所以回到过去或来到未来I can't change anything, I just want to see you