Screenplay was soso, but her acting. And I can’t imagine how much pain she would go through while she’s filming this. True bravery.
ollie Alexander的哭戏怎么眼眶都没湿啊好煽情本来一般是不会喜欢情绪太强的但是you got me there这是唯二一部影视让我留下了几滴眼泪被男主妈气哭的青柠影视在线观看日本也被自己问题的家庭气哭了什么时候我们才能free from control-freak, emotionally unstable mom and violent, “non-existence” dad这样的家庭模式This virus perfectly exists now to proof you right. They are dying because of you. 不过我觉得没有特别故意煽情这段历史就是沉重full of grief的还有好羡慕开明的家长和chosen family