有点像艾伦伍兹的电影大量对白+长镜+特写复古的画面和BGM金句频出结尾有点出人意料但又显得平淡超多大咖Andrea Riseborough还是最爱Christian Bale还是一样敬业"Dead man makes you realize time is short and love is real, if you know what it is." "True love is based on choice, not need" "Maybe you spent enthusiasms and urgencies you didn't know you were wasting until it was too late. You ended up without a chair by the time the music ends, even in your own home."
横刀、名剑、笑三少点题原神VICINEKO网站版入一看这个名字就觉得特别江湖特别吸引人再看了下演员阵容哦嚯..不得了全是大牌刘德华、林青霞、于莉、徐锦江、曹颖等等连跑龙套的都是樊少皇…肯定好看呀兴致勃勃去看了嗨起来...a few moments later.....嗨个屁啊这啥剧情啥玩意儿