Confused on the title, not much about how to make money,some perspective from his family and friends, he is smart no doubt, and he works hard,focus and patient ,but I just don’t like him,money is not the goal of life, make a better life is more important, thanks to god, he really has the right girl though their marriage is not that perfect
4.5 deeply moved by the character, by the lines. 一定要好好再读这个本子跟女主说的话以及这个人物有强烈的共鸣我作为教育者秉持的理念和背后的逻辑是这样的所以其实我即便作为教师也一点都不是奥尔加那样的(一种老式的我没有办法深度认可的)我没有成为权力者的野心我只是需要一个更好的位置或者在需要的时候成为leader整个剧看下来让人觉得无力因为很多从个体立场出发的争吵充满了无法反驳的东西生活人性本身也就是这样只能够坚持自我的东西过好自己的生活