再次看到剧终真是要感叹一句Thanks for the ride褒义财大气粗Korra系列的主题是政治第一季的种族议题第三季的无政府主义和极左第四季reeducation都出来了港谁有目共睹第二季前半不知道在搞什么但是第七集画风突变Avatar Wan真是让我热泪盈眶皮影戏+京剧风是国漫(如果能做到的话)的最高标准女性角色塑造集大成有Tenzin老婆这样的传统母性角色有Korra这样的新女性有Kuvira强大will power和能动力的dictatorspectrum完整一本满足第四季Korra经历的PTSD太感动了我觉得如果有相似经历的小孩看到了真的很大鼓励连Avatar都在struggle你们加油阿
Women get mocked, judged,abused, and even killed. Performative men get off smoothly as always. They talk about civil injustice all the time while consciously overlooking the abuse and violence. N word is definitely an outrage but bitch or slut or whatever don’t matter. Objection! Sexism is an irrelevant topic in this case!