沉重的色调简练的配乐in memory of andrew bond and monique delacroix bond. M stands for ma'am, stood. Q for gadgets no more. totally personal Tiado da Silva
2019.08重看时隔多年晚上睡不着偷偷看的十大软件可以轻松的再看这部电影He/She is the one的错觉和伤痛可以在对的感情里被抚平There is always a autumn after summmer. 2011.10 : Coincidence, that's all anything ever is. Nothing more than coincidence. There are no miracles, there's no such thing as FATE. Next time you look back, I really think you should look again. 囧瑟夫笑起来真的好呆好萌啊
不是所有罪犯都是有罪的There are more chains than mad dogs. —— A man... mad do wrong. And... he can't get out of it. To make his life clear. Maybe... he'd like to go back but he can't. But... I have this feeling inside me... ...that I can't do what I believe is wrong. —— 语言、文字乃至电影对事物的描述都无法达到百分百的准确而且还可能存在说谎欺瞒、弄虚作假、夸大其辞、模棱两可等等情况既然事物本来的样貌无法完全如实地还原其可信度自然也有一定限度这是如今的我基本不百分百相信任何人事物(包括我自己)的原因