It's a long way fight. Fortunately, they did it. 原来平权也就是近些年的事我们这一代已经完全接受并习以为常这就是思想的进步虽然国内目前还没有同性婚姻合法但看到b站好多同性情侣up主分享日常生活说明国家允许他们发声但是如果没有人像美国这样勇敢站出来坚持抗争撞的头破血流也不回头最近中文字幕高清字幕MV可能在中国同性婚姻合法还有很长的路要走
E01:I'm not the only one who gave up my dreams, Jack. We both did, right? I shouldn't have let you leave. And not just because of all of the beautiful things you said, I shouldn't have let you leave because that's not what we do. That's not who we are, that's not us.