7.5/10.就在我疑惑Rick怎么那么轻易的瞑目了时接着就在监视器中他的目光注视下上演了那场I mean it's amazing的经典对白对道德与伦理的践踏几处"冲突"式的处理都让人极印象深刻:虚假城市夜景墙前滑向危险的真实一边伸舌头一边快速喘气无尽激昂而感染的音乐下"伟岸"的导演形象以及结尾让人觉得可笑而颤抖的气氛
HONESTY. You will never understand THE woman, Mona Lisa. All Beautiful girls. "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." Shall be THE one, in THE way. (Weslley.) Thx Sijie.