EP4默剧差点看哭不完美的结尾真好片尾曲sea of dreams by Oberthofer E9 和猫女的决裂真是太丧.e10奥斯卡提名庆功party 每集神11amends,依存及星空E12光为了埋梗下季再见//表面很逗比内心很正经的Mr.Peanutbutter让我发现原来我是一个表面正经内心很逗比的人
Borat and The Dictator are funny as hell. But there is a fine line between harmless humor and blatantly insult, and being an annoying, offensive asshole isn't funny at all, Bruno.
E03 It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way. Only after you give up everything, can you begin to find a way to be happy. 爱惨了第四集E04E04E04