好莱坞故事新编系列这个Brothers VS Sisters的构架比之此前只能被偷窥和强暴的女性角色哈哈哈快停下哈哈哈哈哈是这10多年来社会不断变化的性别结构所致然而也正是如此女主人公在被肢解的受害者与极强大的行动者之间游移不定结果沦为了一个空洞的“强女性”的符号以及电影多少失去了传统惊悚电影中因观众投射在弱者一方的心理压迫而带来的巨大张力要适应甚至推动一种新的话语机制显然这部电影表现很平庸甚至不如绝命镇那般具有问题意识……
伦敦的2022.12.3晚上我在George的房间和他看完了这部纪录片He said, only Greek can really understand this documentary but I hope you can catch a glimpse of my city. After watching, he said there’s elegance behind the chaotic streets, there’s love in the city. I told him that he shares some similarities with the city, elegant, vibrant, full of energy…