说句实在的谁能看得上陆垚这种怂逼啊…【还真是致敬when harry met sally啊人设一毛一样
老实说第一季第一次看几集之后就放弃了第二次看是因为闲的接着一年前的回忆继续看给我免费的片观看随着主角团队任务难度的加大我就越看越感兴趣 第二季逐渐把剧情(故事的背景)打开我知道高潮就要来了come on 第三季把第一第二季中埋下伏笔逐一解释是的就这样我high了好几集一直到结尾的恋恋不舍 总结:这部剧从第一季以来评分越来越高我觉得不仅仅是剧情在发展更重要的是剧组的诚意一直有增无减一直想着做得更好 有此好剧观众看在眼里记在心里 感谢那些为梦想而努力并把它分享给我的人
Akecheta的人物故事很饱满在庞大的史诗卷轴中插入这个有温度的特写津津有味世界上有如此善良的存在真是令人窝心// "They're just algorithms, designed to survive at all costs, but sophisticated enough to think that they're calling the shots, to think they're in control, when they're really just... the passenger. Then is there really such a thing as free will for any of us? Or is it just a collective delusion? A sick joke?" "Something that is truly free would need to be able to question its fundamental drives, to change them." // Do we live in a simulation?