As a fan who has seen all the 007 movies, I enjoy the process how the old classic style gradually turns to a modern high-tech way but still full of elegant tasteful elements. Those amazing fighting scenes make you feel happy to live in nowadays and also to have known the past.
1963年11月22日一个平常的中午美国总统和他的夫人到达了达拉斯为下一年的总统选举做提前准备 然而他们都没有想到这会是一场死亡之旅 中午12点30分肯尼迪在敞篷豪华轿车上遇害 肯尼迪是美国史上最年轻的一位总统自叹清明在远方也是唯一获得“普利策新闻奖”(The Pulitzer Prizes for the News)的