“…disguise has always been integral to us to survive in white men’s America, we play the obedient Stepin Fetchit, the minstrel or in your case the court jester…” “why is it when a negro becomes successful his own people want to pull him down?” “We’re talking vengeance or justice? It is often difficult to distinguish between the two.”
第二集Kevin&Olive相比于平庸又”nice”的人群我总是更共情于Kevin和Olive这样的人可现在这个社会充斥着Sue和她爸妈这样的人不是么于是我也想当个投机分子至少当个好人给外女开小嫩苞19P可以融入其中的好人可一切到目前来看都是徒劳有时我也会认为他们“too simple for me”. 有时我也知道是我自己judgemetnal 又stubborn