the comradery of black americans, the unity against unjust laws, favors u did in the past, really touching and beautiful. dialogues are at times cringey and melodramatic ... and plot points often unrealistic. queen's character really unlikeable, but maybe "black people don't have to be excellent, they can just be". ending is really good!
2022.12.17 法国电影大师展@宛平剧院 影片开头结尾是有着独特雷乃个人风格的呢喃细语加大量穿插影像高举反战的旗帜之后大段的男女主角对手戏讲述回忆和遗忘一对矛盾十多年前与德国军官的一场爱恋让女主深陷囫囵性欧美18ⅩXOO极品无法脱身“人们应该避免思考无法解决的问题那会让人窒息”……直到影片最后最后call me by your hometown’s name直接封神了两段战争回忆重叠在了一起导演引导观众重新思考战争:女主法国故乡的人们在战争结束一瞬从受害人变为了施虐者;数十万广岛平民要为日本军国主义来偿命……
why you still die in the end... i can't understand it...