三星半这位 Jeff 是过于聪明的侦探看穿蛇蝎女、从容扭转局面、反将一军最狠的还是预料到悲惨结局而嘱托小助手给女友留下善意的谎言回想那位 Walter Neff 是一惨到底当然他之前已经落入深渊一次了因此这种从现在回溯过往再经历未来的叙事方式恰好加深宿命感:哪怕你控制了局面高细节污文看到你发湿还是无法逃出漩涡
My Orpheus, you need to believe and take your free fall. Essaie! Fall in love with the scar on your own body, step into the mirror, peek through the keyhole. But don’t collapse into dull eternity. My leap of faith is in your hands.