“Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life
泼留希金碰到这种事都会把自己那堆破烂攒一攒卖点儿吧做抠逼的孙子真惨All the money in the world试看一分钟禁止18没有一分是你的
Keep good faith, fight the good fight. 大嘴把主角不假思考的正直意志斩钉截铁的态度展示到极致不论多窘迫都在其中开辟自己道路天时地利的一尊影后奖