sinecure闲职 arcana配方 anteroom前厅 duodenum十二指肠 care about this case on a volatile on a viceral level chafed愤怒 cotillion沙龙舞 beyond reclamation无可救药 outlet出口 excruciating finesse策略 cobbler修鞋匠 provision供应品 patsy替罪羊 spry活力 salve the wound ostracized keep the streak going领先 hypoallergenic低过敏 lemming旅鼠 shrill刺耳 galoot笨蛋 inherent天生的
“It is not just about numbers and decimal points, the thing that makes it matter is lasting relationships. True loyalty. Real trust. ”这句话我觉得无论对于什么行业都适用也正是让Wendy 这个角色如此重要的原因Aex 和Chuck第一次称呼对方:Charles和Bob他们好像输得很惨但正在触底反弹