if tommy wiseau(cf. sina user named 'netflix' promoting the giant on his own) expands to other areas of 'full entertainment experiences' + especially the folklore legends branch of afro-american oral traditions(your John Henry, John the conqueror, Stagolee, Morris Slater 'railroad bill', etc.); 'Legends are generally accepted as narratives that are
《野花高清完整版免费观看视频大全》女主对床友前一秒还说I don't need a boyfriend后一秒成为了别人的老婆....这种事情谁说的清楚呢事情过去就过去了Summer之后还有Autumn等着
随心所欲万一成功了呢多麦特就fuck、motherfucker 、ass、pussy……地成事了胖女人声音嘹亮you would screwI would screwwe would screw together…
一次口角導致的世紀末混戰孫悟空可真是永遠把持世界正義、外交辭令義正詞嚴、能力有限又拒絕得道多助一言不合就粗暴實施(反)制裁邪惡美帝終將被人民正義消滅——真是絕了國漫在努力不過造型抄胡巴抄滅霸抄蜘蛛俠可能只是巧合但充滿北方市井直男的主流視角真的offensvie to all這一點都不好笑【野花高清完整版免费观看视频大全】