后面的神偷戏很爽不过这个前面真的是不太聪明感觉这个一方面搞神偷一方面又要personalemotional找Steve复仇一方面还要培养感情就不聪明而且Steve这个人他图什么啊我还是没想通他就是个大聪明想独吞又不知道咋花你是不是有病呢好歹你糟蹋一下啊但是最后那段交通戏有吸引到我再加上Theronoh manshe definitely worth it感觉在塞隆面前就那气质气场动漫女少禁处自慰流水漫画免费看真的那种感觉idk how to put it那可是塞隆啊感觉她真的是独一档
非常英范的美剧Norman就是现实版的Grandpa Rick丧、毒舌分分钟就能戳穿一切别人以为的美好假象然后说出“It hurts to be human. It hurts like hell. And all the exploring in the world doesn't make that hurt go away. Because being human and being hurt are the same damn thing!"
一步步卷入权力角逐的漩涡;Buddy的葬礼Jacob的回忆……人们都在人际关系中苦苦追寻某种恒久的东西What do you do when the bride who took your breath away becomes the wife who makes you hold your breath in terror ?