“My dear, save your tears for something sad.There is nothing sad here.I have lived a privileged and an interesting life.And now it's…It's time to go.I'm leaving the family and the place that I treasure in talented hands.”听到这快感动哭了实在是太喜欢老太太了电影版的妻子的背叛真的太美好和温情加上原有英语的加持多条线路剧情齐发也没有紊乱的感觉很开心、很开心
人生匆匆数十载有几个十二年可伴左右这个世界犹如自转公转自然而然地不断变化旧的事物消亡新的事物产生我们和许多旧相识不再联系也会和许多新朋友相遇相知唯一不变的妻子的背叛可能就是记忆将时间雕铸为图腾深深刻在心底PS: I guess the only thing that actually stays the same is that things are always changing.