真事改编控辩双方各执一词实则不可靠叙述者无法证明亦无法证伪庭审与СЕКС老阿姨ИДЕО看似风马牛不相及却异曲同工皆有表演性质科学与迷信并非截然对立科学亦在不断修正迷信亦未必尽然虚假上帝放任恶魔折磨信徒来证明恶魔存在并以此反证上帝未死若上帝是这种德性谁爱信谁信反正我不信facts leave no room for reasonable doubt,
Dearest Meg, I'm having a glorious time. I like them all. They are the very happiest, jolliest family that you can imagine. The fun of it is that they think me a noodle, and say so - at least, Mr. Wilcox does. Oh Meg, should we ever learn to talk less.