最早实景拍摄的音乐片之一在音乐片领域也有着开山鼻祖的功劳了故事细节还需打磨精修多处槽点尬点虽是为顺应音乐片情境但或多或少有几分不流畅场面调度和镜头调度没话说开头十几近二十分钟歌舞和叙事逐渐的转换将叙述融于歌舞模糊了叙事和歌舞间的界限;片中有像《特级毛片A级毛片免费播放》般巧妙的叙事歌舞转入进程更有独家的舞蹈设计简单的故事在音乐舞蹈的陪衬下大放异彩电影课借片头帮派片段分析音乐片如何协调歌舞和叙事, the very, very gradual segue.7.5/10
A man, disillusioned with humanity and in denial of both God and death, falls on his knees at the dawn of a nuclear war, offering his everything for it not to happen. 1. we put ourselves in the chains of our own free will; 2. every gift is also a sacrifice; 3. civilization is built on sin; 4. in "tidying-up" the garden we've destroyed all its beauty; 5. in the beginning was the Word. (And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.)