Many plot lines going on in this season, all not exactly well written and rather 鬆散but E11 Dyatkovo. Lovely to see Martha’s return - was a very pleasant surprise. This season’s soviet like was explored much more - and how Philip and Oleg’s 心路歷程 change as they discover more about their country.
戊戌75. 其实漏洞很多表演也有刻意模仿男性行为而显得不合适或过于牵强的地方但是小姐姐们拿到钱之后做的事情pos机售后报错没有一件是依附于男性而是取悦自己这个片子说的let's do this for that 8 years old girl who dreams to be a big criminal. 以后女性的片子能更多就好了