OMG我竟然一口气看完三部特别cheesy感觉男女主长嘴根本不是为了吃饭完全是为了亲来亲去女主没被斯坦福录取不知道怎么跟男友讲所以水顺推舟说自己拿到offer了之后纠结地跟后妈倾诉I was like睡过女儿的 说说心情这种事在当事人心里真的是很纠结苦恼的大事可是在一个成年阿姨看来真的就是一些细枝末节、“关我屁事”的烦恼年轻真好啊另外想起第一部赤裸裸的养乐多植入广告(我以前还给养乐多写过植入广告合同)真的给看电影这件事带来别样的感觉现在每次看好莱坞明星的电影就总想到给他们写某合同时承受的压力和痛苦令我无法快乐地看电影电视简直是工伤
'Eventually the attackers were taken to the police in the city for their own protection.Almost all of the men of the colony went to the city to post bail for the attackers.We were given two days to forgive the attackers before they returned.' 'We are leaving because we cannot stay.'