Steal This Episode: While watching "Streaming Valor" in the theater, Bart asks Lisa which side were the real pirates: the movie producers or those fighting for Internet freedom.
这季增加了Corner Boys和教育系统这条线愈显无奈几个少年的命运令人唏嘘疯马秀歌舞表演视频还有警探和街角少年之间的人情味人人都是主角唯独McNulty这季打酱油哈这么多警探中最佩服还是老木匠Lester.上季被迫离职的Bunny和Prez这季继续在教育系统扮演重要角色编剧实在妙Bodie,you're a soldier,R.I.P.
O-Ren Ishii: Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords. You may not able to fight like a Samurai, but you can at least die like a Samurai.
尽管一直都在刻意标榜自己的特立独行 其实you're not special at all 你只是这个大城市里可有可无的一人罢了 不断强调着对爱和感情的无所谓和不信任 实则却和所有凡人一样渴求爱和幸福 不再年轻 不再得到宠爱 在这个社会中腐烂fucked up 这就是你的一生 NOBODY CARES