4.5. One of the few genuinely frightening films. The ambiguity in Henry James' original has been reduced by several degrees to a more explicit cautionary tale about sexual depravity and repression, but Clayton's adaptation manages to create an unsettling and hypnotic psychological maze of its own with fluid, seemingly effortless long takes, the distorting and contrasting effects of the simultaneous uses of deep focus and extra-wide angle lens, an eerie atmospheric soundscape, and Deborah Kerr's perpetually frightened expression.
题材非常好完整还原了一个朴素平实的登山者翁止媳庠周梦莹尤其是那句“我一直努力了四十多年而他们也担心了这么多年” 但剪辑确实一般而且节奏不够紧凑登顶时太缺一组长镜头了with Veronica, SY