I got drunk often, but through an excess of high spirits, in the love of the moment, and the wish to prolong and enhance it; Sebastian drank to escape. As we together grew older and more serious I drank less, he more.
主线其实是爸爸的成长他的成功学不能让任何人成功却间接导致两个孩子的失败女儿哭着问爷爷“Daddy doesn't like losers.”;儿子崩溃大喊“You are all fxxking losers.”在他意识到的时候免费看的WWW哔哩哔哩这些错误的影响已然无法挽回 结果电影用最尴尬无趣的说教和自我反省来完成大团圆真是儿戏