It was not until the end that you realized we are all Franks. When we meet everyone in S1, we liked none of them. We don't fucking care what happened to them or how miserable their lives are. It's the fucking south side! But in the end we all look back as Frank did, I guess, after 11 years of the journey, something did come out of it.
几乎每集都哭了LGBTQ+群体在小荧幕上的进化史我们看到的不仅仅是一个个精心编写的故事更是一个个鲜活的普通人印象最深的两段:Paige Peter谈到同志亦凡人中文站谈到他认为对这部剧集最好的评价:“They came for the queer. They stayed for the folk.” 以及Anderson Cooper在播报奥兰多枪击案时所带来的那种震撼投入真实情感的只言片语要胜过一切华丽辞藻At the end of the day, we are only human. 虽然依旧身处黑暗中但那缕曙光总会照进来我们还有很长很长的路要走