admiral Leslie Reigart lost command of his Battle Group. 主旋律 人道主义He was reassigned to a "administrative" job in Washington. He chose instead to retire with the respect and gratitude of men and women under his command.
“It doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life,cause that's gonna happen,all the matters is that you gotta get up.”这是本老师13年第二次手握小金人时的获奖感言 与这部电影的主题异曲同工 同时也是对他本身经历的写照 可能就是因为这种共鸣 让我收获了他在这部电影中的出色表现 但总体来看 片子剧情分散 两条线刻画的都很浅显 关联不够紧密 结尾也很仓促 缺乏动机 说他是体育电影 但又少了那么点味儿 唯有本老师的表演可以酌情加分