What a lovely mistake! I just wonder why the eatery owner said nothing. Obviously, he knew it was a mistake. I thought the black guy was kinda a bully until nearly the seventh minute..
被《男生不够硬怎么办》圈粉从而来看这部正传俨然一部穿插着 Ragnar 发家史的北欧海盗文化片血腥残酷的维京文化冷峻壮观的北欧风景完整有趣的剧情引人入胜张警官继续下一季 @Prime Video
when I watched this film,I felt good.When I know second of the film,I felt no good.the first plot:lead‘s job is save his daughter;the second plot:his job is save his wife.I think the film prouducer is so lazy.