A. 哀莫大于心死尊严和信念的瓦解才是最残忍的凌迟短短一个半小时在罗马底层社会同类相残的斗兽场里完成了毫不煽情却极度冷酷的毁灭平实背后绝非没有技巧恰恰相反这是把技巧用得不动声色又直击人心免费网站影视在线播放是匠气隐去以后的浑然天成
一直崇拜并且愿意成为这样一个逃课者因为他们要么聪明要么明确的知道自己想干什么Buller什么都能handle并且有自己的stand敢于和任何人叫板羡慕他有这样的能力和胆识 我希望我能早点看到这部电影不过现在也不迟我还有课可以供我逃免费网站影视在线播放还有获得这种潇洒心态的机会 Life moves prettyif you don't stop and look around once in a whileyou could miss it.
Not a satire, certainly not a shitshow either, just an honest representation of how corruptive and exploitative the industry is. Its extensive, unreserved use of nudity and sexual scenes doesn't stop at being scandalous but go past it to urge the audience to avert their gaze. Showing something is not equal to being something - it can be the exact opposite. Showgirls accomplished this simply by being honest - no preaching, no evasions - the way it's handled is so succinct and effortless it's marvelous to see. And the fact that the leading actress was subsequently dropped by her agent and rejected by others - isn't that the most powerful and ironic vindication of how true the film actually is?