春眠不觉晓处处闻啼鸟每个人都或多或少有他的心结而有些人没办法无视心结我们都是戴河以为是银河其实只是一条臭水沟罢了而那些真正纯真的人没法无视心结永远停在了寒冬中就像觉晓戴春那样也许当鸟从心里飞走时说明冬天已经过去最近中文字幕高清字幕MV可以在外面的蓝天翱翔了Awakening Spring
OK. There is no style, and not even conventionally safe (not even a single establishing shot of the vicinity - WTF)? The cliched story takes itself so seriously without adding anything new to the genre. Oh and how can I not mention its sexist approach on women? Piece of crap.