真怕又是一个墙倒众人推的寒心故事老东木心里有爱在极度冷漠的环境里也不忘讲点笑话让人缓缓连那个很讨厌的女记者都安排了忏悔的泪水但现实才最残酷纸媒时代尚且没有真相可言更别说现在了……朱威尔的独白大概能代表所有内心有梦却被人误解曲解的人当最想成为的人变成最厌恶的人谁还会坚持理想好在有沃森嗯sam真牛逼look at you~演啥都跟真的似的以及所有人的表现都很棒
Why am I obsessed with this show? Cause I love Diane. But it's not true, every time I click it, I feel much better, than ever. I finally find someone who is worse than me on managing his own life, I feel okay to be myself. But here I am, keeping doing the same things I used to, avoiding taking my responsibiliy, and enjoying watching it without guilt.