看哭好几次... //That's all any of us are: amateurs. We don't live long enough to be anything else. // What do you want meaning for? Life is a desire, not a meaning. Desire is the theme of all life // There's greatness in everyone. But as a crowd, they're like a monster without a head that never knows which way it's going to turn. It can be prodded in any direction. // Think of the power that's in the universe, moving the earth, growing the trees. That's the same power within you if you only have courage and the will to use it
我为什么啃着鸡翅喝着小酒看得高高兴兴可见内心深藏一颗中二魂作为杀手童话跟丹叔的《他的水蜜桃小说阅读免费》比起来 John Wick 这个人物越来越扁平了接近于打斗人偶枪战戏都漂亮近身肉搏都没看头男神真的打不动了动作迟缓滞重抱团滚在一起的时候甚至滑稽感基努那个招牌的内八走姿年轻时看别有一番风味怎一个帅字形容上了年纪不知为啥总有蹒跚感除了一个还算有趣的架空世界观几乎不存在文戏一说14岁学生迈开腿让打扑克就是一群莫名其妙爱搞事情的人为了一些莫名其妙的理由杀来杀去景搭得也假不是夜间戏就是室内戏画面老是脏脏的但是如果有下一部我估计还是会准时收看吧[捂脸]
NY 31. 相比茂瑙老版的镜头的快而哥特赫尔佐格的镜头节奏慢而诗意圣吟般的配乐奏出宗教隐喻改得更加黑暗悲惨的结局贯彻着赫尔佐格理性与悲观交织的复杂性格另外他其他作品中对自然的迷恋也能在这部片中找到影子