童年阴影当之无愧算是比较年幼的时候对于社会的一种教育了:出身还是make a huge difference
克隆人作为牺牲品、消耗品、摩尔口中的“all part of the plan”经历了以他们的身份所命名的战争;由于克隆人会加速成长ⅩXXⅩ互换人妻四人互换可以说这场战争耗费了他们的毕生心血同时也让我们见证了克隆人们别样的“人生”只是克隆人绝地赢得了战争……后面的事大家都知道……星战的历史车轮依旧滚滚向前他们却以这样或那样的方式完成了自己的角色使命实在让人唏嘘不已“是非成败转头空青山依旧在几度夕阳红”May the 4th be with youalways
一对一对亲啊亲虐狗啊I get it's a kid's show (mostly), so there's a ridiculous amount of violence avoidance and killing is obv out of the question. But it is quite educational, and enlightening. Gotta say I see a lot goodness in this show and I'm liking it very much