Somewhat ironic that a film titled 20th century women is a teenage boy’s coming-of-age story with special emphases on punk and sexuality, but almost all the more sincere because we see a masculinity constructed through his relationship with three incredibly unique and powerful women. How gender is defined oppositionally works both ways. Real moments of #ecriturefeminine in it.
Fisher往Herman的酒店房间里放蜜蜂Herman报复Fisher碾烂了他的自行车我一下子理解了他们为什么能成为忘年交十五岁和五十岁内心同样都是为了爱情幼稚到冒傻气的男生少年是一种心性、禀赋年岁渐长、或生活的复杂都不能改变这一点In spite of all the chaos and conflicts, youth attracts youth. It feels so great to have a friend like Fisher together with whom you feel dozens of years younger and back alive again.