长得漂亮才叫loli才有人生才不会死最经典的台词是you know girl's first time is important, it determines the rest of her life sexually, they didn't love the guys, they just did it to show off. Afterwards, they stated liking it, like cigarettes.
just watch it for cultural reference.因为今年感恩节dasha zhukova和derek blasberg扮成了cher和dionne 又以为这是mean girls类电影的开山始祖 也许是年代久远 也许是剧情平庸松散 平均线水准以下的作品吧 不明白为啥当年能大卖 唯一惊喜是看到了小鲜肉的paul rudd像他乡遇故知 他还是做大叔比较帅哈