Everyday when food is on the table “one episode of Taiwanese boy?” Hahaha. Each episode has a theme, the quality is not average, some very good, some a bit disappointing. I feel like the stereotype of Chinese ppl is overemphasized sometimes, but maybe that’s what make it fun. ABC will feel more related to this kind of Asian actors American show.
看的人真少啊但真的是有趣的剧虽然亚洲脸内核是美国人思维展现的“中国特色”当然只能代表一部分人但这部剧仍然不失为一部轻松娱乐、“政治正确”的短篇美剧看到很多地方都让我笑出声比如奶奶一口地道的汉语而且只用汉语回答别人的问题;爸爸有一回骨折坐轮椅被调侃叫“罗斯福”;国家展示活动中妈妈要求校长把“中国”主题给大儿子质问校长“难道你看不出我们是中国人吗”校长摆摆手说“We are not allowed to assume...” 最喜欢第20集