Though the idea of immortality has been explored to death, and even a very similar form of superpower has been on the big screen for a while (Wolverine), this movie still intrigues me. It is very enjoyable and approaches the concept in a surprisingly refreshing way! I hope a sequel is produced. Charlize is always hot and badass.
悬疑的部分很成功宗教争端的部分还是不太好懂邪恶战胜正义的结局说不上好坏新手怎么弄到G让人觉得遗憾作为小角色的傻子Salvatore至少是拉丁、英、德、意、西、法6种语言混着说而且有时候意大利语有口音英语有语法错误("She love Salvatore.")全剧的多种语言是个亮点而且还引用了培根的话告诉各位学习语言很重要